
  • Week 1: Introduction to Robotics

    • Understanding robotics concepts
    • Exploring robot components
    • Engaging in robot crafting activity
  • Week 2: Robots and Basic components

    • Learning about motors and sensors
    • Building simple circuits
    • Experimenting with basic robot movements
  • Week 3: Robots and obstacle course

    • Assembling wheeled robot kits
    • Customising and decorating robots
    • Building a course obstacle
  • Week 4: Advanced Robot Behaviour

    • Introduction to robots behaviours and actions
    • Introduction to programming
    • Writing basic programs for robot control
  • Week 5: Advanced Robotics Concepts

    • Designing and building an Arduino robot
    • Incorporating sensors and programming for functionality
    • Testing and iterating on robot designs
  • Week 6: Robots finalization Showcase

    • Showcasing robot projects to peers and families
    • Awarding certificates of completion
    • Celebrating achievements in a final showcase event